
レゴ (LEGO) フレンズ 獣医さんのトレーラークリニック 41125





■商品名レゴ (LEGO) フレンズ 獣医さんのトレーラークリニック 41125■JAN5702015593571■型番41125■重量680g■商品仕様LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the LEGO Group. (C)2016 The LEGO Group.主な製造国 :中国対象年齢 :6から12才■商品説明Includes 2 mini-doll figures: Olivia in her riding jacket, jodhpurs and helmet, and Sophie the vet, plus a gray dapple horse.;Features an SUV-style car with space for 2 mini-dolls, and a detachable Horse Vet Trailer.;Horse Vet Trailer features an opening door and windows, bed, table, horse compartment and an accessory storage area in the roof.;Accessory elements include a horse stretcher, veterinary tools, 2 medicine bottles, equestrian medical book, horse blanket, saddle and a carrot.;Open up the trailer in 3 different ways for easy play inside.■配送方法商品の発送はご注文から1〜3営業日以内に当店指定の配送業者から発送しますので予めご了承ください。

  • 商品価格:13,794円
  • レビュー件数:0件
  • レビュー平均:0(5点満点)

